Tuesday, December 31, 2019

10 Step Job Interview Preparation Checklist

10 Step Job Interview Preparation Checklist10 Step Job Interview Preparation ChecklistFor most people, job interviews are inherently nerve-wracking situations. Even if youre a raving extrovert who loves meeting new people, theres something about interviews that ratchets up the tension and stress.The best way to counter the pressure? Be prepared. Knowing what to expect and being ready to make a good first impression will ease your nerves and boost your confidence. Check off the steps on our pre-interview checklist and show the hiring manager that youre the best candidate for the job. 01Get Your Interview Outfit ReadyJaniceRichard/E/Getty ImagesTaking the time to say thank you after a job interview not only is good interview etiquette, it reinforces your interest in the position. Your thank-you letter is also an opportunity to address any issues or concerns that came up during the interview. It may even serve as a second chance to emphasize your qualifications.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Jobs for a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice

Jobs for a Bachelors Degree in Criminal JusticeJobs for a Bachelors Degree in Criminal JusticeOne of the most important factors involved withchoosing a college major is the potential for employment in a satisfying career when you finish school. If youre interested in learningabout crime and punishment, you might wonder what you cando with a degree in criminal justice. More than 3 million people in the U.S. have already made the choice to enter this field. The Difference Between Criminology and Criminal Justice First, its important to understandthat criminologyand criminal justice degree programs are not the same thing. The two fields are related and they do overlap in someimportant ways, but theyreseparate concepts. Yourcareer goals shoulddetermine which you choose as your field of study. Criminology is the study of crime and its causes, costs, and consequences.Criminal justice is thesystem in which crime is detected and dealt with. In other words, criminology is the theory and c riminal justice is the practical application. A number ofjob optionsand career paths existfor those who seeka degree in criminal justice. Most arefoundin the public sector, either in law enforcement, the court system,or the corrections system. Law Enforcement CareerOptions A criminal justice degree is a great way to lay the foundation for a successful careerinlaw enforcement. Thisdegree can prepare graduates for work as police officers, detectives, investigators, or police dispatchers. Not all law enforcement careers requireacollege degree, but it can leise be very beneficial to earnone before you begina career. Someemployers additionallyrequire knowledge or experience in the natural sciences, such as biology and physics, at least in some positions. Aminor in science and a major in criminal justice or vice versa might be the ticket in ansicht cases. Criminal justice majors who are interested in other law enforcement work can look forward tocareers incrime scene investigation and forensic science. This can include jobs as a forensic science technician, a bloodstain pattern analyst, or a forensic ballistics expert. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the zentralwert pay for police officers and detectives was $61,600 in 2016, the last year for which comprehensive statistics are available. zentralwert means that half of those working in this field earned more than $61,600 and half earned less. More than 53,000 law enforcement jobs are expected to be added by 2026. Careers in the Court System The court system is where the innocence or guilt of an individual is decided and where punishment is determined. Itoffers a diverse field of jobs within criminal justice, all of which serve very important roles in ensuring the fairness andsafety of the legal system. Some careers in the courtsystem include BailiffProsecutorDefense attorneyVictims advocateParalegalLegal secretaryJury consultantCourt clerk The roles ofprosecutor, defense attorney, or jury consult ant all require advanced schooling, either a graduate degree or a law school and can require further certification like passing the bar. But other careers such asbailiff or paralegalrequire only some additional training and certification or a two-year associates degree. Pay varies considerably in the court system depending on the job and the education required. The median pay for a lawyer was $118,160 in 2016, while paralegals earned median compensation of $49,500, according to the BLS. Careers in Corrections The corrections system carries out the punishments that have been determined by the courts. Penalties and sentences can include fines, restitution, incarceration,probation, orparole. Some corrections careers available to criminal justice majors include positions as correctional officers, probation and community control officers, or forensic psychologists. Some jobs in corrections dont require any college at all whileothers,such as those inforensic psychology, require gradua te-level schooling. In eithercase, earning a criminal justice degreecan help those interested in working in corrections iftheywant to move up in their careers. This is another area where pay can vary widely. Jobs that require a graduate degree tend to pay at least twice what others do. The median pay for a psychologist was $75,230 in 2016, according to the BLS. The Job Outlook for Criminal Justice Careers The job outlook for most jobs in criminology and criminal justicehas historically been promising even in tough economic times. Communities recognize the need for well-trained law enforcement and corrections professionals, so many cities, counties, and municipalitiesmake it a point to keep officers on the streets and guarding the prisons even when theyre facing budgeting constraints. Law enforcement is always a priority. The courts alsoreceive a great deal of support from their communities, counties, and states,ensuring that jobs are available more often than not. The Rewards of Working in Criminal Justice Jobs Careers in criminal justice offer a measure of stability not found in allsectors. They typically offer competitive salaries andgenerous retirement benefits. These, of course, are just a few of the many benefits of earning a degree in criminal justice. And, of course, if working in the public sector is not for you, numerous private sector careers are available as well for those with degrees in criminal justice, from security and private investigation to teaching. Beyond the job security and the potential for a comfortable life after retirement, careers in criminal justice provide the intangible satisfaction of knowing that youre working to make a difference in the world. If these career options dont get you excited, learn more about other great jobs in criminology and criminal justice.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

6 Things You Can Do to Strengthen Your Resume Today

6 Things You Can Do to Strengthen Your Resume Today 6 Things You Can Do to Strengthen Your Resume Today Building an effective resume can be challenging. There are no hard and fast rules associated with writing a resume, which can make the process something of a guessing game. Youre trying to figure outwhat will get your resume noticed by a hiring manager or recruiter, but unfortunately, no one can give you the definitive answer to that question.Let me start out by saying that everybody has a different opinion on what makes an effective resume. One persons constructive feedback may conflict with another persons, so be warned. This is what happens when there are no absolute guidelines (If youd like to learn more about what corporate recruiters have to say regarding what they like and dislike about resumes, you can find the results of an informal survey I took here.)As a former recruiter and a current resume writer, I have my own notions about what might make your resume stand out. As mentioned above, some of my suggestions may contradictthe feedback of others. Im just letting you know what Ive landseen work.1. Spell Check and ProofreadTypos and grammatical errors will likely kill your chances of landing a job. If youre using a word processor, theres no reason notto use the built-in spelling and grammar check feature.Keep in mind, however, that this feature wont necessarily catch misused words that are spelled correctly (i.e., the correct form of whose vs. whos, or accidentally using the word manger instead of manager). Likewise, your word processor may flag proper nouns or corporate terms. To ensure youve caught every potential error, manually proofread your resume after youve let your computer do its stuff.2. Consider Adding a HeadlineA recruiter will only spend a fewseconds reviewing a resume to see if its a match. If your resume has a headline just below your name and address that clearly spells out the solution to the companysvacancy such as ACCOUNTING MAN AGER for an advertised accounting manager role it may encourage the recruiter to keep reading.3.Eliminate Content That Is Distracting, Irrelevant, or Not SupportiveIf youve been a help desk specialist for the past 10 years and youre applying for a help desk job, consider leaving off the details about when you were a professional landscaper. This can also apply to listed hobbies that dont support your work.Recruiters and hiring managers want to know what you can do in the job. Including unrelated experience may be interesting to you or the reader, but it can also invite questions for example, What line of work are you really looking for? or Will you be looking to leave the office at 430 p.m. to go surfing (or whatever your listed hobby is)?Ive also seen situations in which a job seekers resume showed that they started as an administrative assistant and then grew into a senior management role, but the hiring manager wondered if the candidate was truly cut from managerial cloth. Its an unfair bias, but it happens.4. Pay Attention to FormattingDo your columns line up? Are your tabs working properly? Is the resume attractive?Microsoft Word can be a bear. If you dont know how to maneuver the program well, hire somebody who can help you format your resume effectively. A misaligned column, for example, can be interpreted by the reader as a sign of carelessness.5. Add Some AccomplishmentsListing what you do on a day-to-day basis in your job is a starting point, but including your accomplishments in eachposition shows what kind of value youre capable of adding to an employer. Measurable accomplishments (i.e., increased sales 40 percent) are great, but also consider including some of the less tangible things youve done that changed your employers wertmiger zuwachs for the better. Did you create and implement processes where none existed? Were you able to help develop people on your staff through training and mentoring?6. Avoid the Personal StuffIn the United States, yo u shouldnt include your picture, date of birth, or social security number on your resume. Likewise, leave out religious affiliations or anything else that invites illegal or inappropriate scrutiny by an employer. If youre applying for a job that involves long hours or travel and you volunteer on your resume that you have three children, a biased reader may start wondering, Geez, is this person going to miss a lot of work or regularly have to leave early due to daycare issues?A version of this article originally appeared on Insider Career Strategies.Scott Singer is the president and founder of Insider Career Strategies LLC, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who w ant to further their career.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Most Popular Criminal Justice Professions

The Most Popular Criminal Justice ProfessionsThe Most Popular Criminal Justice ProfessionsYouve earned your degree in Criminology, or perhaps youre looking to make a jump into a more personally rewarding career. Maybe you are looking for more stability during uncertain economic times. If youre not aya where to go or how to get there, take a look at the top 5 most popular criminal justice careers. See if one of these criminology jobs might be right for you Patrol Officer (Police / Sheriffs Deputy / State Trooper) According to a recent survey of college graduates by Payscale.com, the most popular career in the Criminology field welches that of patrol officer. Always in demand, patrol officers are necessarily the most visible members of the criminal justice profession. Patrol officers issue traffic citations, investigate minor crimes and traffic crashes and assist members of the public while they patrol the streets and sidewalks of their communities. While the rank of patrol officer is the entry level for police professionals, extensive training and certification is required to wear the badge. Many departments will offer to sponsor well-qualified candidates to gain the necessary training through their state or local police academy.The zentralwert national salary for patrol officers in 2010 was $58,000. Paralegal / Legal Assistant As the name implies, paralegals work directly alongside attorneys and assist them in preparing legal documents and readying for trials. The Federal Bureau of Labor and Statistics anticipates better than average growth in the paralegal profession over the next several years, according to their Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2010-2011. Paralegals provide research assistance, investigate claims, and help lawyers determine how to proceed in cases. In many cases, paralegals perform the same essential functions that attorneys serve, except that they are prohibited from arguing cases in a courtroom or practicing law on their own.On average, p aralegals can expect to earn around $53,000. However, salaries may vary widely depending on whether you work for a government agency such as a prosecutor or public defender or for a private firm. Probation / Community Control / Correctional Treatment Specialist Although often mentioned as being the same occupation, probation officers and correctional treatment specialists actually serve separate but similar functions in the criminal justice system. Probation Officers provide supervision for individuals who have been arrested and are on parole or who have been convicted of a crime and are serving a probationary sentence after, or in lieu of, jail time.Correctional Treatment Specialists develop rehabilitation plans for people who have been released from their jail, prison or probationary sentence. The Federal Bureau of Labor and Statistics expects excellent employment opportunity in these occupations in the near future.The median salary is around $46,000. Detective / Criminal Investig ator A step up the ranks from patrol officer, Detectives, and Criminal Investigators typically specialize in a particular area, such as burglary, persons crime (crimes against people, i.e., robbery, battery, domestic violence), or homicide. It is perhaps the most glamorized career within the field of criminology. Detectives conduct in-depth investigations and interviews. More often than not, they wear civilian clothes and conduct surveillance.According to Payscale.com, the median annual wage for Detectives and Criminal Investigators was $80,000. Legal Secretary Legal Secretaries provide clerical assistance to attorneys and paralegals. They prepare legal documents, as well as subpoenas, motions, and complaints. Legal Secretaries may also conduct research for attorneys. A person looking to enter this career should expect to earn, on average, around $50,000 annually, depending on employment (private vs. public) and location. Options Abound Of course, if none of these occupations ge t you excited about your career prospects, theres no need to fret. Many other areas within the Criminology umbrella offer both fulfilling rewards and exciting challenges. Honorable mentions include areas such as loss prevention and private security, as well as more academic pursuits like Criminologists and Forensic Psychologists. Criminology jobs are also among those occupations that are seeing the most demand in the current job market. With the right qualifications and the proper amount of dedication, you can expect to enjoy a great deal of success

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What You Dont Know About How to Create a Resume Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

What You Dont Know About How to Create a Resume Could Be Costing to More Than You Think What Everybody Dislikes About How to Create a Resume and Why When you have included all of the information and have checked for consistency and formatting, take a great look at how the resume looks and if its professional. If you have not ever made a video resume before here are a few suggestions to have you stspeciesed. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Including a pop of color, by way of example, is an excellent method to make your resume stand out. Writing a great resume isnt a Herculean endeavor, but there are specific guidelines that will need to be followed, so you create your best first impression. Writing a resume isnt a simple endeavour, and as stated by the feedback from our present community, its really valuable to check professional resume examples before starting to compose your own. Writing a resume for employment in the art i ndustry can be difficult. Finding out how to create a resume to go for your cover letter that presents your abilities and experience in the best way possible is essential to your success with your work hunt. How to Create a Resume Ideas Among the secrets of how to construct a resume is to make sure that you keep it to a single page, only utilize black ink in an 11 or 12 sized Times New Roman font. There are a lot of reasons why templates are important in regards to resume creation. It is wise to use the plain font of the size 9 to 12 points Collect details about the work description and establish the keywords that may be utilized The perfect length of the resume is one or two pages. There are several different templates that it is possible to take advantage of to produce the resume. The Ultimate How to Create a Resume Trick Theres probably a great digital employer for your experience and techniques. For someone in the building and labor field, obtaining an abundance of skill s and experience is vital. While the dearth of experience can be a drawback, it does not have to be an insurmountable hurdle. You are able to have a sentence or two about prior work experiences, skills youve got, or interest in working for a specific business. For those purposes of a resume I feel its far better list the city and state youre in. You may seize that opportunity if you begin your own company or transfer to a more lucrative position in another provider. Return to the position title youre interested in and apply to finish the application procedure. When you comprehend the work interview procedure, and what will probably be happening at each stage youre in a significantly better place to prepare for it. The True Meaning of How to Create a Resume Moral issues aside, theres an excellent chance you are going to be found out. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. You dont wish to generate a whole draft of all yo u intend on saying (in fact thats something that you want to avoid because it will cause you to sound scripted) but its an excellent idea to have a list of points you need to highlight and then speak about them in the video. That you still deserve work and not getting it is somehow about the direction you present your resume. Though the demand for CNAs is growing, you need to get a competitive advantage, particularly for the best jobs. Everyone knows that when hunting for work, the very first task you will need to complete for a possible employer is, Send a copy of your resume. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Actually, you could always create a compelling and strong resume that could brandish all of your relevant skills and experience for you to ultimately get the job that you would like. Make sure to f irst list the most relevant experiences regarding the internship or job to which youre applying. Having just 1 typo on your resume will most likely eliminate you as a candidate for work. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be a deficiency of prior job experience. The Rise of How to Create a Resume Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Transportation jobs involve plenty of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that could assist you with your work search. Contents of a Great Resume What you decide to include in your resume will be set by just what the business asks for and what you feel is best to be able to find the job. The New Angle On How to Create a Resume Just Released Based on the essence of your work and the reach of your accomplishments, you might elect to incorporate an extra page of your resume that focuses onl y on your role with your company up to now. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Or, perhaps you are prepared for a career change and dont understand the way to make a presentation that will position you for a new field. Whether youre just starting out, are a seasoned professional, or are looking to create a significant career change, MyPerfectResume has the resume tools you should get ahead. While writing a resume you need to always bear in mind the main goal of drafting a resume. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. You should have good word processing abilities For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. The heading part of your resume is potentially the most significant part your resume. An effective r esume isnt nearly substance, additionally it is about form. Thus, a suitable name needs a bearer if its to be meaningful. Oftentimes, its far better simply type the info from your resume in the body of the email.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Supporting a Parents Return to Work

Supporting a Parents Return to Work WorkingParents & employers who want to share an open dialogue with WorkingMoms & WorkingDads, join tomorrows live virtual chat TOPIC Supporting a Parents Return to WorkAccording to a survey of 1,000 working mothers conducted by British magazine MMB, more than a third (37 percent) felt so unsupported and isolated when they returned to work that they wanted to quit. Debi Yadegari, Founder and CEO of MommaWork is out to change this statistic. Debi has created an organization dedicated to helping employers better support their working parents, all while improving their bottom line. Join this live, virtual Q&A and ask Debi anything about how you can lower turnover, absenteeism, healthcare costs and improve employee satisfaction by implementing a few basic principles that change the game for working parents. One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits i n the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 1000000 construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or lo oking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel neuerung/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencin g difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentierung technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long wa y to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

9 Simple Errors People Make During a Job Search

9 Simple Errors People Make During a Job Search9 Simple Errors People Make During a Job Search Would you like some good news about errors? The simplest mistakes to make are the easiest to correct. If youre having a frustrating job search , it might be because youre making these ten simple job search mistakes.Never forget that while you are searching for the perfect job, employers are searching for the ideal employee. If your resume doesnt stand out , youll never get an interview. First, tailor your resume to each job posting by demonstrating you possess the desired qualifications listed in the advertisement. Then, reinforce your strongest points by including a cover letter with your application. With a little TLC, the attention to detail and experience reflected in your resume will serve as a fine introduction.Of course, you bring your resume and business cards to job fairs and networking events. But if these are the only times you think about networking, youre prob ably missing excellent opportunities. For example, have you ever thought about keeping in touch with previous managers? Even if you dont ever want to return to your former position , these people may be able to let you know about new developments. Also, if they change companies, they may remember you when theyre building a new team. You can also try to check back occasionally with companies whose interviews or offers you declined. You might try I loved your work environment when I came to interview for the administrative position. I declined it because I would flourish in a more creative role. When I saw your opening for a creative director, I knew I should reach out to you.If you are applying for a non-academic job, do your writing skills matter? Absolutely, according to MBA.com. Employers consider communication to be the most valuable of the top five skill sets for all recent graduates. (The others are teamwork, technical, leadership and managerial skills.) If you dont display writing ability, you wont be able to compete with your peers. So, write the cover letter, even if its optional.Speaking of writing, the number of people who fail to proofread would surprise you. Even if you havent used any complex or unfamiliar expressions, carefully read over every piece of communication with a potential employer, including email subject lines, document titles, phone numbers and addresses. Take international spelling differences into consideration if you are applying for employment in a foreign country .An elevator pitch is a brief summary of who you are and what talents you have. In formal interviews, interviewers may ask you to tell them about yourself. If you practice an effective elevator speech in advance, youll avoid the tendency to ramble. Your clearly stated expressions will indicate that you are confident in your abilities. As you may have guessed from the name, not every elevator pitch happens in a formal setting. Be ready to talk about yourself wherev er you happen to run into someone influential.Recruiters may not warn you that youre oversharing , but they hate TMI. Hiring managers want to know an overview of your applicable skills in as short a time as possible. Be succinct. Keep your resume to one page of the most relevant highlights.Let your references know that you are job hunting. Otherwise, they may be scrambling to remember your fine points (or even worse, who you are) when they get the call.Its not enough to turn in an application. Contact a specific person in human resources by phone or email after you submit your application materials. Within a few days of your interview, send a follow-up note or email to thank hiring managers for their time.If you stress too much about finding a job, you might arrive at an interview a frazzled mess. Take the time between jobs to travel, catch up with family and friends and enjoy your hobbies.Are you guilty of one or more of these common job search mistakes? Why not work on correc ting them today? Doing so may be your first step toward finding employment.This article was originally published on Grammarly . It is reprinted with permission.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Whos Hiring in Americas Hottest Housing Markets

Whos Hiring in Americas Hottest Housing MarketsWhos Hiring in Americas Hottest Housing Markets Our friends at Zillow have found the hottest housing markets for 2019 , and it may come as no surprise that San Jose, Calif. takes the number one spot. While this is the second year in a row that Silicon Valley earns that distinction, some newcomers in the South are giving techies in Cali a run for their money.Silicon Valleys white-hot jobs market has propelled the regions housing market which we expect to continue into the early months of 2019 but there are some signs that the trend is away from the West Coast and toward the South and Southeast, said Zillow senior economist Aaron Terrazas. Affordability is attractive for both young professionals and booming businesses, earning markets like Orlando, Minneapolis, Dallas and Nashville top billing in 2019.To find the hottest housing markets, Zillow looked for places where we expect home values and rents will outpace the nation in 2019, strong income growth , good job opportunities with low unemployment rates and a growing population.Here are the hottest metros in the U.S. and some of the most popular companies hiring in each. Sure, housing may not be cheap, but luckily jobs aboundSan Jose, CA Income Growth 6.8% Companies Hiring Teach for America, Uber, Cisco Systems, FDIC, Algeria Community Living, US Army, General Dynamics Popular Jobs Corporate and Foundation Partnerships Manager, Engineering Director, Customer Service Rep, Financial Management Scholars Program, Multimedia Illustrator, Software Engineer, Physician Assistant, Outside Sales Account Executive Program Director & more.Orlando, FL Income Growth 5.2% Companies Hiring Cox Media Group, Bragg Companies, World Wrestling Entertainment, IKEA, US Army, Enjoy, IBERIABANK, Fieldstone Architecture & Engineering & more. Popular Jobs Customer Experience Expert, Call Center Representative, CAD Technician, Graphic Designer, Event Market ing, Photographer, Pharmacist, Marketing, Sales, menschlich Resources, Massage Therapist, Certified Nursing Assistant CNA, Administrative Assistant & more.Denver, CO Income Growth 6.6% Companies Hiring VIVE Float Studio, Accelo, Owens & Minor, Snap, Colorado Realty and Property Management, Wetzels Pretzels, Courtesy Acura, Evolve Vacation Rental Network, AppColl, Slade Glass & more. Popular Jobs Graphic Designer, Marketing, Event Coordinator, Sales, Interior Designer, menschenwrdig Resources, Geologist, Project Manager, Executive Assistant, Social Worker & more.Atlanta, GA Income Growth 4.4% Companies Hiring UPS, Cortland, cove.tool, IKEA, Advanced Circuitry International, Cleanstar National, Fayette County News, Autter, iTutorGroup, Kearney & Company, Coca Cola, Delta Air Lines & more. Popular Jobs Marketing, Attorney, Human Resources, Inbound Call Center Representative, Photographer, Sales, Graphic Designer, Entry Level Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, Social Worke r, Flight Attendant & more.Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN Income Growth 5.0% Companies Hiring Marketing Architects, Northwest Respiratory Services, ACE Reporting US, Spredfast, Piper Jaffray, G4S Compliance & Investigations, University Communities, Spectrum Plastics, Advisor Group & more. Popular Jobs Work From Home Data Entry, Attorney, Graphic Designer, Marketing, Event Coordinator, Human Resources, Photographer, Project Manager, Pharmacist, Sales & more.San Francisco, CA Income Growth 5.2% Companies Hiring Glassdoor, Masterworks Fine Art Gallery, Amicis East Coast Pizzeria, Hyun S. Bang, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, Boys & Girls Clubs, Vitagene, A & D Automatic Gates & Access, Sycomp, Community Resource Initiative, Conventus (CA) & more. Popular Jobs Marketing, Software Engineer, Entry Level, Product Manager, Graphic Designer, Executive Assistant, Project Manager, Data Scientist, Marketing Entry Level, Financial Analyst & more.Dallas, TX Income Growth 5.6% Companies Hiring Hilton, Unique Landscaping, DexYP, Dallas Skin Institute, Methodist Health System, Medical Sleep Solutions, Lukes Locker, US Army, Mission East Dallas, Floorplan Xpress, Bancroft and Sons Transportation & more. Popular Jobs Pharmacist,Event Coordinator,Bartender,Graphic Designer,Elementary Teacher,Oilfield,Mig Welder,Administrative Assistant,Human Resources,Counselor & more.Nashville, TN Income Growth 6.5% Companies Hiring Anderson Recruiting Consultants,Caregivers by WholeCare,Forrester,Quore,Ascension,United Record Pressing,OneCause,Days Inn,Hale and Hale,ADS Security & more. Popular Jobs Attorney, Marketing, Software Engineer, Manager, Sales, Project Manager, Flight Attendant, Local Truck Driver, Human Resources, Photographer & more.Jacksonville, FL Income Growth 3.3% Companies Hiring AV Logistics, Owens & Minor, Revlon, Inc., Hodges Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, SunteckTTS, IKEA, Macquarie Group, USNR, Morrison Healthcare, Spectrum House & more. Popular Jobs Marketing Entry Level, Attorney, Graphic Designer, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Account Manager, Pharmacist, Administrative Assistant, Structural Welder, Overnight, Human Resources & more.San Diego, CA Income Growth 7.6% Companies Hiring Toyota of Poway, Hutchinson and Bloodgood, Lawn Love, TrendSource, LifePro Financial Services, Watkins Firm, UC San Diego, Home Bay, K-Tube Technologies, TCP Global & more. Popular Jobs Marketing, Work From Home Data Entry, Attorney, Graphic Designer, Sales, Software Engineer, Human Resources, Event Coordinator, Entry Level Consultant, Executive Assistant & more.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Facebook Adds New Professional Skills Feature

Facebook Adds New Professional Skills Feature Facebook Adds New Professional Skills Feature Recently, Facebook added a new feature the ability to add professional skills to your profile. This is a big deal if youre looking for work or even if youre just building a strong online presence as a career development tool. After all, a recent survey showed that 52% of job seekers have used Facebook during their search much higher than the numbers for either Twitter or LinkedIn and this latest move shows that Facebook is very interested in expanding further into the recruitment market. How to add your skills You can add your skills by clicking the about tab at the top of your profile page.The first vorkaufsrecht is Work and Education and youll see an edit button to the right. Click that and right at the bottom of that section, you will now have the option to add your professional skills.One word of caution the skill you enter must match the Facebook database of skills if it doesnt, you wont be able to add it. This means you may have to play around with various options before finding one you can use. For example, I tried to add resume writing but this isnt currently a recognized skill and I therefore had to go with the more general writing. Presumably this will improve over time. Set your skills to public Facebook lets you choose how many people can see this aspect of your profile. I recommend making this public, so that any recruiter or hiring manager can see it. Where this beats LinkedIn LinkedIn currently allows users to add skills to their profile, but Facebook has gone one better by making the skills searchable. In other words, a hiring manager looking for someone with skills in social media, could search that term and then look for all the people who have listed it on their profiles.At the moment, I think this search function is a little rudimentary for example, I wasnt able to find social media managers who live in New York despite trying a variety of diff erent searches. But again, Id expect this to be something that improve over time.For now, adding your professional skills to your profile is a no-brainer, given how many companies are checking Facebook profiles before making hiring decisions. So what are you waiting for?